Category: Alien Species

The Yahyel: Children of Light

Have you heard about the Yahyel? Also known as the “Children of Light”, this mysterious race of aliens has been popping up in all sorts of places lately. From YouTube...

The Dragonworm Aliens – Mythology or Reality?

In the darkest depths of our imaginations, we often dream of creatures and beings that go beyond the realm of what we know. We tell stories in which these creatures...

The Reticulans – What Lurks Beneath?

The Reticulans, or more commonly known as the Greys, are one of the most famous alien species in our collective consciousness. They are most widely associated with abduction stories and...

Cybernetics and the Soul: Eva-Borgs

Eva-borgs are cybernetic forms controlled by ‘human’ entities. They are more than just machines, they become an extension of their operator’s will. What is it that makes them so special?...

Exploring the Mythology of The Serpent Aliens

The myth of serpent aliens has been around for centuries and is found in many cultures around the world. In recent times, reports of giant snakes have been encountered in...

The Solarians: Unveiling the Mysterious

Are Solarians real or just a figment of our imaginations? Many people have heard stories about these mysterious aliens said to inhabit the solar system, but few have ever seen...

The Greys – A Mysterious Species

For centuries, people have told stories of mysterious creatures that inhabit our world. These creatures often go by many names, but one name that has been gaining traction in recent...

The Different Types of Synthetics

Synthetics are artificial lifeforms created by humans, reptiles, and other entities. They can come in a variety of forms and have been used to infiltrate different groups or carry out...

Unveiling the Myth of ULTERRANS (or Ultraterrestrials)

What lurks beyond the boundaries of our dimension? Everything from aliens to mythological creatures have been speculated as possible inhabitants of outer space, but one particular entity has captivated the...

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Hyadeans

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered what secrets it holds? For centuries, people have been captivated by tales of extra-terrestrial life and civilizations. But one...

The Mysterious Alpha-Draconians

For millennia, the mysterious Alpha-Draconians have been shrouded in mystery. Legends and folklore have been passed down through generations, but few know the truth behind these powerful beings. Who are...

Exploring the Vegan Species of Our Universe

For centuries, humans have been searching for answers to the mysteries of our universe. One of these mysteries is the existence of vegan aliens—humanoids that descended from refugees of the...